Saturday, June 5, 2010

One of them?

In the private psychatric ward of I.H.B.A.S. one can watch tv, play badminton or chat with sisters (not the real ones, he!he!) for entertainment. Adolscent of my tastes often just watched tv. The volume is restricted to 20 for the patient's comfort in the rooms nearby the hall, where the tv has been setup. But the volume is inaudible on the bench placed in front of the t.v., partially due to the harsh humming of the water cooler placed nearby. So, I usually prefer to stand in the front of t.v.
Few days ago, I was watching first installment of the newest Batman series. After an hour, an another young man entered from the hall's front opening. He was fair, had a bearded face and physique as similar as mine. He came up to me and asked,'' Which ward is it?''
'' Psychatric Private Ward '', I answered. '' Where is the neurology ward?'', he asked again. I said,'' I don't know?''
'' What are you in for? Depression and anxiety?''
'' Nope ! Psychosis.''
'' I am in for depression and anxiety.''
'As I care', I thought. I got tired standing and sat down. He sat beside me.
'' So, What do you do? Study?'' He was drunk, I could smell his breath now.
'' Yes and you?''
'' Study, too. B.Tech in XY College.''
'' I am doing it in YZ University.''
'' So, they keep all type of patients in this ward? Voilent, too?''
'' I don't know. You should check out with the nurse.''
Turning to T.V., he said ,'' What the fuck? You should watch 'Iron Man 2'.''
'' They don't put new movies on the t.v.'', I said.
'' New? Huh? It's three weeks old.''
Then he leapt and ran away, all of sudden. Strange fella, he was.
Today I saw him again. Now, I have the doubt that he is one of the stalkers.

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